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"The Centinel of the North-Western Territory"
From Nov. 9 1793 to June 4, 1796
From microfilm Roll 18677,
Typed as published and submitted
By Richard Moore

These following names appeared in the newspaper (published from 1793 to June 1796) in various capacities: as advertisers, as people who offered services; as people who are wanted (e.g., as deserters or for various legal reasons); or as people who disclaim any debts for various reasons. This list is not 100 percent complete. Please note that births, deaths, and marriages of local citizens were not reported.
Names appearing Reason for appearance Date (if recorded)
Here are some additional names which appear in "The Centinel of the North-Western Territory" published in Cincinnati from 1793 to June 1796. I had not transcribed them in my earlier message (Part II) and went back to add them.
The names appeared in the newspaper in various capacities: as advertisers; as people who offered services; as people who are wanted (e.g., as deserters or for various legal reasons); or as people who disclaim any debts for various reasons. This list is not 100 percent complete. As before, please remember that births, deaths, and marriages of local citizens were not reported by the newspaper.
Names appearing Reason for appearance Place/date of ad
The names appeared in the newspaper in various capacities: as advertisers; as people who offered services; as people who are wanted (e.g., as deserters or for various legal reasons); or as people who disclaim any debts for various reasons. This list is not 100 percent complete. As before, please remember that births, deaths, and marriages of local citizens were not reported by the newspaper.
Names appearing Reason for appearance Place/date of ad
- A. Adgate & Co. Mfrs of cotton & wool cards Pittsburgh 11/1/1793
- Job Gard Lost parchment book, reward Cincinnati 11/8/1793
- J. Pennington Smith Lost a packet of letters, rwd Cincinnati 11/18/1793
- John Ludlow Horse stolen, reward "" 11/18/1793
- Levi Woodward Found deerskin saddle bags "" 11/20/1793
- John Grier Notice of mtg of tavernkeepers "" 11/29/1793
- Thomas Gibson Rec'd shipment dry goods, spirits "" 11/29/1793
- A. Hunt & Co. Wanted: corn-fed pork "" 12/4/1793
- Levi Munsell Public sale of 10 gal spirits "" 12/6/1793
- W. Kelly Lot for sale "" 12/6/1793
- Hon. Jonathan Dayton Supt. of Miami Military Lands "" 11/20/1793
- & John S. Gano Surveyor/Register of Miami Military Lands 11/20/1793
- John Dealy Wants journeymen coopers "" 12/8/1793
- C. Avery Requesting subscribers pay up "" 12/21/1793
- William Kelly " " " " "" 1/2/1794
- Robert Wilson Estate administration "" 1/3/1794
- I. B. Miller Reward for horses stolen "" 2/8/1794
- William Wilson Dry goods & Groceries "" 2/22/1794
- Daniel Duffy Runs a store owned by Mr Acheson "" 2/22/1794
- Samuel Black Requests subscribers pay up "" 2/22/1794
- Thomas Goudy Atty-at-law "" 2/22/1794
- Richard & Phebe Hall Admnrs/Estate/John Fletcher, dcsd Columbia 2/21/1794
- G. Wallace, Esq. Admnr Estate of Henry Reed, dcsd Cincinnati 3/1/1794
- John Meeker Wife Elizabeth left him Columbia 3/3/1794
- William Wilson Arrived w/dry goods & groc Cincinnati 2/22/1794
- James Silver Storekeeper for Wm Wilson "" ""
- "WANTED--a Black-Smith at Colerain, for which good encouragement will be given by applying to John Dunlop, Colerain, March 21, 1794"
- Isaac Kelsey, abt 30, & Amous Lewis, 27, bn Rhode Island
- Deserters; $30 reward by Lt. Gains, Greenville 3/16/1794
- James Morrison --- ----- ----
- Levi Woodward, Darius C. Orcutt, James Lyons (all of Cincinnati) 5/17/1794; William Brown, Ignatius Ross, John Reily (all of Columbia); The above six formed a Committee to supervise payment for Indian scalps; payment ranged from $95 to $130/scalp
- G. Turner Two paintings lost/stolen Cincinnati 5/8/1794
- R. McClure $3 Reward for runaway horse Cincinnati 6/28/1794
- Geo. G. Taylor Runaway slave; $10 reward "" 4/30/1794
- Robert Mitchel & John M'Leod Ropemakers "" 5/24/1794
- Rice Bullock Collecting accts for Wm. Tait 7/11/1794
- Thomas Thursbey Ret'd army, tailoring business North Bend
- Edward Hart, 25 Accused as thief 7/23/1794
- Jacob Steward Complainant against Edward Hart 7/23/1794
- John Houston $20 reward for lost pocketbook 7/19/1794
- William Jones Opened store for dry goods/groc 8/7/1794
- Samuel Seward Apprehended a thief White's Station 8/13/1794
- William Reed Wife Mary left him 9/4/1794
- James Kavenagh Horseshoeing, blacksmith Cincinnati 9/4/1794
- John Dailey Journeyman cooper wanted -- 9/13/1794
- John Dunlap Legal notice Colerain 9/20/1794
- John Finneyhon & co Boot & Shoe business Cincinnati 10/4/1794
- Robert Kean gave note to Benjamin Brown "" 10/25/1794
- Nancy Willcox Admnx for P. L. Willcox "" 10/4/1794
- Luke Foster & Jms Seward, jun. Found iron ingots Pleasant Valley 11/7/1794
- John Robertson Lost a golden breastpin Cincinnati 12/3/1794
- Oliver Ormsby Dry goods for sale "" 12/15/1794
- John Wallere Sells milled lumber Fallsmouth, Licking 12/15/1794
- John S. Gano & Wm Stanley Dry goods/medicines Columbia 11/17/1794
- Mathias Pierson Mare strayed or stolen Ludlow's Station 12/30/1794
- B. Vanhook House & lot 45 for sale Cincinnati 1/8/1795
- James Kamper Working steer strayed Walnut Hill 12/29/1794
- Timothy Scannell Cooper Cincinnati 1/24/1795
- John Cleves Symmes Notice to Settlers in Miami Pchse North Bend 1/3/1795
- Elijah Craig, Jun Boat transportation Mouth of KY 1/15/1795
- Josiah Mott Admnr estate of Henry Moore Cincinnati 2/5/1795
- Barnabus Oldwine, 32 Deserter Ft Washington 2/21/1795
- Nackey Devaul Admnr estate of Richard Devaul Cincinnati 3/23/1795
- John Machir Partnership w/Eynon dissolved --- 3/23/1795
- Anderson Doniphan articles stolen 3/10, Washington, Mason co KY 3/26/1795
- Hugh O'Hara, Samuel Eidee, John Dillon Escaped from Hamilton Prison 3/9/1795
- E. Sproat Inspector/Tax collector on Spirits -- ---
- Isaac Williams, Patrick O'Hara, Robert Frakes 18, William Stewart, Ned; Escaped from Hamilton Prison 3/2/1795
- Rheuben Whetstone Suspected wife murderer 3/25/1795
- Zekiel Fuller Wife Elizabeth left him Cincinnati 4/27/1795
- Jacob Lowe Starting Ohio River ferry service 4/10/1795
- Charles Vitian Legal notice -- 5/7/1795
- Thomas McIntire Two horses strayed Columbia 5/6/1795
- Anthony Furny Wife Elizabeth left him --- 5/5/1795
- Oliver Ormsby & John Bustard Dry Goods & Groceries Cincinnati 5/7/1795
- Patrick Melony, 31 Deserter Greenville 4/17/1795
- Jos. Rodgers Notice of runaway slave -- 5/19/1795
- A. M. Dunn Postmaster, Cincinnati Cincinnati 4/2/1795
- Benj. Van Hook Constable "" 5/4/1795
- Aaron Caldwell Hamilton County Commissioner "" 4/23/1795
- Charle (sic) Jaudin Wife Elizabeth left him --- 6/5/1795
- Philomon Thomas notice of runaway slave Mason Co, KY 6/12/1795
- William Digbey Wife Catharine left him --- 6/25/1795
- William Jennings Jewelry store robbed Washington, Mason co KY 5/23/1795
- John Finnehon (sic) Legal notice Cincinnati 6/29/1795
- John Van Kamp, Daniel Sullivan, Joseph Kelley, James Dorsey; Escaped from Hamilton Prison 6/28/1795
- Samuel Orsburn Wife Margaret left him 7/3/1795
- Peter Owns Mare strayed North Bend 6/9/1795
- Ferdinand Brookaw House & lot for sale Cincinnati 6/9/1795
- Thomas John Found stray cow & calf 7/9/1795
- Jeremiah Clark Legal notice Cincinnati 7/9/1795
- John Whitstone Legal notice 7/1/1795
- Zachariah Dowty Opened butcher shop Cincinnati 7/15/1795
- Henry Pickle Notice of toll road fees 7/15/1795
- David Telford Notice of runaway slave Georgetown, KY 7/24/1795
- R. Hall Runaway slave apprehended Little Miamis 7/25/1795
- Archibald M'Donald Wife Rhoda, 39, & infant son ran away 8/4/1795
- John Hambleton Notice of runaway slave 8/17/1795
- Thomas Williams Parchment making business Cincinnati 8/20/1795
- John Hunter Opened tavern in Georgetown 8/10/1795
- Michael Lacassagne Seeks settlers on his land Louisville, KY 9/4/1795
- John Hole Lots for sale Cincinnati 9/2/1795
- Thomas Doyle Lots for sale "" 9/3/1795
- William Harris Lots for sale "" 9/9/1795
- I. Darnielle Away on business "" 8/28/1795
- James Brady Horse strayed "" 8/11/1795
- John Ramsberg Mare stolen Frederick-town 9/19/1795
- Israel Ludlow Legal notice Cincinnati 9/22/1795
- Timothy Hailey, 30 Escaped from Jail "" 9/16/1795
- Ezekial Sayre Notice of public sale "" 10/15/1795
- George Kyler & son Potters "" 9/1/1795
The Centinel ceased publication in June 1796.
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