Saturday, April 26, 2014

Reed, Mary Ann... Stroup Cemetery... 17 Jul 1933, Page 1

Dies at Age of 102


Boyleston. July 17- Mary Ann Reed, age 102, died at 11:30 today at Hillisburg, at the home of her son. Victor Reed, with whom she was making her home. She is believed to have been the oldest woman in this part of the state and the oldest widow of a Civil War soldier. Her husband, Jacob Reed, who fought for the preservation of the Union, died in 1907.
Mrs. Reed was the foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Birely, and was born in Indianapolis. August 9, 1930. She was the mother of fourteen children, of whom the survivors are Abraham, Frankfort; James, Boyleston; Lemuel, and Victor, Hillisburg; Clinton, Boswell; William, Farmland, and one daughter, Mrs. Jemima Price, Rossville.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, at the home of the son, Victor, at Hillisburg The burial will be in the Stroup cemetery, near Scirclevllle.
Mrs. Reed's health had been good until about five years ago, when she passed into a steady decline.
She had been confined to her bed the last several months. Her oldest living child is seventy-flve years of age.